Outlaw Weeds of the West – NOW AVAILABLE!!!!
The Wild West has a whole new brand of outlaw—noxious weeds. They steal space from native plants, poison livestock, and blatantly trespass where they’re not wanted. Author Karen Sackett informs readers of all ages of the wily ways of weeds, including the creepy trickster Dalmation toadflax, which looks like a garden snapdragon but spreads long distances underground, and the hitchhiking outlaw houndstongue, whose Velcro-like burrs cling to fur and clothes. You’ll learn how “special agents” in weed control—insects and goats—are reining in these outlaws, and you’ll find out what you can do to help. Aliases, mug shots, and hangouts of the West’s ten worst outlaw weeds are described in the Most Not Wanted section of the book. Cartoons, detailed botanical drawings, and colorful photographs will help budding weed vigilantes track down their quarry.
Activities to Download
Scrambled Word Worksheet: Tumbled Weeds
Weed Matching Worksheet: The Line-up
Evil Twin, Imposter Worksheet: Imposters
Science, Arts, etc. Worksheets: Pass the Weed Word
Field Work, & Advanced Activities: Field Work